Born in Namur, Belgium, Dominique Bodart received her first musical training at the Namur Conservatoire in Freddy Dubuisson's class, before going on to win several first prizes at the Royal Conservatoires of Brussels and Liège, and a gold medal at the Conservatoire de Région in Châteauroux (France).
Keen to perfect his training, Dominique Bodart attended the classes of Maître Pierre Thibaud in Paris for three years.
Dominique has entered various competitions where he has won numerous awards: the RTBF Young Soloists Competition (Sabam Prize and Audience Prize), the OSE National Competition in Antwerp (2ᵉ Prize), the Maurice André European Competition in Albert, France (3ᵉ Prize), the Raimo Sarmas International Competition in Lieksa, Finland (Special Jury Prize and Finnish Brass Prize)...
From 1989 to 1991, he worked under renowned conductors as first trumpet with the Orchestre Mondial des Jeunesse Musicales. He has taught at the Eghezée and Tamines music academies (since 1991) and has been invited to give master classes in Belgium and abroad.
At the same time, Dominique has developed an intense concert activity, which has led him to perform throughout Europe. He is also frequently asked to stand in as trumpet soloist by various Belgian, Luxembourg, French, Dutch, German, Scandinavian and other European orchestras.
He has also developed an interest in playing period instruments. He studied with Friedmann Immer at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam. He is currently trumpet soloist with the Millennium Orchestra conducted by Leonardo Garcia Alarcon.